Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The fruits of our labors

So we have summer crookneck squash and slicing cucumbers coming out of our ears. I've been shredding/chopping/freezing, juicing, baking and eating fresh. Its been great to read about and learn what to do and how to harvest. This is a huge pan of grilled fresh veggies. Just chop and saute with onion tomatoes and keilbasa, a little salt and pepper and it made for a great healthy lunch for the whole family.

Colt eating the first cucumber right off the vine.

Just a few labeled bags, many more to come..

Corn is really neat. The tops are called tasseling. When you see this, the seeds from the tips will fall down and in a few days you will see the start of the ears with the little hairs on them.


Colt hunting for cukes...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Stephanie told me about your blog, and I love it!! Living in a farm is our dream, so it's nice to see how you guys have transitioned from desert life to farm life. It makes it seem possible for us to do it one day as well. Your boys must love it!
